Thursday, April 22, 2010

Howdy Pops!

Is this working?


  1. Hey PJ/Mom!

    This seems like a wonderful venue for a tell-all...let's make up a bunch of weird stuff about ourselves, and post it! Oh yeah, we don't have to make anything up...

    BTW, how are your sweet peas? I've only got a couple germinating. The real (English) peas are like Godzilla, thrusting up out of my really bad garden soil like champs. I should be able to harvest by June. What a miracle.


  2. I hope it's okay to comment here...just wanted to tell you I just finished a couple of your monkeewrench books and absolutely love them...could not put them down once I started and am really looking forward to reading the three that I haven't read.
    You are a fantastic team!
    P.S. My sweet peas are still tiny since our "spring" has been so wet and cold...sigh....

  3. Have just read Live bait and thought it was great. Been looking for a new author (or two!)to inspire me to read for sometime and you two have hit the mark. Look forward to reading the rest of your books. Thank you! Dave UK
